Donate To Help Give
a Framingham Football Player
a Scholarship

To-date, we have given over $40,000 in Scholarship money to a Framingham Football player in Todd's name!

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Why We Choose Framingham Football
for the Scholarship.

Although Todd had found so much success being a record setting software salesperson he never forgot his roots. Todd traveled the world, but always spoke of the days playing football at Framingham as some of his fondest memories. Todd also loved to give back! There is a story of Todd buying Red Sox tickets and giving them to Boston inner city kids who could produce report cards with all A’s. Because of the things mentioned above Tom Regan (Todd’s best friend) decided to start a scholarship in Todd’s name doing what he loved best, giving back. So where better to do it than In Framingham and who better to do it for then the young athletes playing the game he loved and excelled at most. To date the TODD HILL 9/11 Memorial Scholarship has given over $36,000 to Framingham High Football Players to help with their continued education!

This is Todd's 9/11 Story....

Todd R. Hill, 34, of Framingham, a software salesman for Boston's QRS Corp., was staying on the 17th floor of the Marriott Hotel at the World Trade Center when terrorists hijacked and crashed two planes into the towers. Todd was staying in New York City for work like he had many times before. Todd called some friends on the evening of September 10th leaving messages that made it clear he was having a great time as usual. At roughly 8:46am the next morning Todd called his Mother Loris and his girlfriend Stacia to say there had been an explosion and that he was alright but that they were evacuating the Marriott. What would come to light was that it wasn’t an explosion but a hijacked plane that hit the North Tower of World Trade Center Complex. Not long after, another hacked plane would hit the South Tower eventually bringing them crashing down, destroying the Marriott which was located just below. The attacks that day, the worst in American History would leave 2977 people dead and over 25,000 injured. Todd Hill never made it out of Lower Manhattan that day and to this day his remains have not been identified. Todd was lost that day BUT he will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.